Grippeschutzimpfung 2024/2025

Liebe Patient:innen, liebe Eltern,

auch dieses Jahr bieten wir wieder spezielle Impf-Samstage für die jährliche Grippeschutzimpfung an. Diese sind am

12. Oktober, sowie am 9. und 16. November, jeweils von 10-13:30 Uhr.

Termine können Sie ab sofort unter vereinbaren. Wählen Sie hierzu zunächst die Kategorie Kontrollen / Impfungen / Hyposensibilisierungen und dann die Terminart Grippe-Impfsprechstunde.

Ihre Praxis Kinderärzte Nippes

    • Ambulance, fire brigade: 112
    • Medical on-call service: 116 117
    • Pharmacy emergency service:
    • Dental emergency service Cologne operator: 0221 - 29010200
    • Poison emergency service Berlin: 030 192 4
    • Poison emergency service Bonn: 0228 19 240
    • Child protection hotline: 0800 19 210 00
    • Under certain conditions, home visits for the U2 check-up can be done.
    • However, we cannot guarantee this in times of particularly high patient numbers. Please contact us by email shortly after the birth of your child so that we can arrange a suitable appointment.
    • In some cases, a personal visit to the practice is important in order to perform examinations such as the determination of bilirubin in newborn jaundice.
    • Your child's insurance card
    • Vaccination documents
    • Child health record book (yellow book)
    • It would be nice if you could bring a mat, e.g. a towel, and nappy-changing equipment for the smaller children.
    • A favourite cuddly toy
    • Practical clothes that are comfortable to put on and take off
    • In emergencies, you can always come to our consultation hours.
    • In case of acute infections, please contact us via Doctolib to make an appointment in our hours for infectious diseases .
    • Preventive care, consultations or long-term illnesses often require more time and therefore require in advanced booked appointments. To ensure that everything runs as smoothly as possible, it is important that you arrive on time for your appointment.
    • If you are unable to attend an appointment, please cancel as soon as possible so that we can pass this appointment on to another child.
    • For check-up appointments or other scheduled examinations, please let us know which physician you would like to see with your child.
    • For organisational reasons, it is unfortunately not possible to choose a doctor during the infectious consultation hour or for a presentation "without an appointment".
    • Newborn children and babies to the age of 3 months with a temperature up to 38°C, apathic state, hypothermia, change or scin colour or bad drinking behaviour should be seen immediatly
    • Toddlers with high fever, vomiting or severe loss of weight
    • Severe diarrhea
    • Continuing heavy screaming without a plausible cause
    • High fever which is not influenced by medication
    • Severe earpain
    • Severe abdominal pain
    • Coughing with respiratory distress
    • Accidents, open wounds, fractures, burnings or scalding
    • You can register on the following website and will then receive timely e-mail reminders of your child's upcoming check-ups and immunisation appointments.
    • Medical consultations by email are not permitted by our professional code of conduct. This is therefore only possible to a limited extent.
    • Yes, in the case of minor infections, a sick note or certificate for the parents can be requested by telephone or email. The requirements for this are:
      • max. duration 5 days
      • No serious illness
      • Doctor's decision if telephone contact is sufficient
    • IMPORTANT: It is NOT possible to date back any documents
    • You are welcome to send your enquiry by e-mail. We need the following information for this:
      • Prescriptions: for which medication exactly?
      • Referral: for which specialist department with which question?
      • Details about your child (name, date of birth)
      • Current mobile phone number for callback
    • It is very important that you present your child to us before you make an appointment for speech therapy, ergo therapy or physiotherapy so we can issue a prescription. Our practice must first clarify whether your child requires such treatment.
    • Otherwise, you will have to pay the costs yourself. Prescriptions can not be issued retrospectively.
    • Please remember to send us the therapist's therapy report as soon as possible before any follow-up prescriptions are issued.
    • We are not allowed to issue health insurance prescriptions for self-purchased medication
    • Even for lice medication!
    • Babies are particularly dependent on early immunisation, so it makes sense to start vaccinations as early as possible.
    • Usually your child can also be vaccinated with a mild illnesses such as a cold without a fever.
    • If you are unsure, we can examine your child before the vaccination and then decide together with you whether the planned vaccination is possible despite the mild infection.
    • In principle, fever has an important protective function for the body to mobilise the body's defences and activate the immune system, which is why it is not necessary to reduce the fever immediately.
    • Only if your child is suffering from a fever or is increasingly exhausted and can no longer drink is it necessary to treat the fever.
    • The following antipyretic medication in form of suppositories or juice can be used for this purpose:
      • Paracetamol
      • Ibuprofen
      • Do not give acetylsalicylic acid (aspirin) for fever due to the risk of "Reye's syndrome", a very rare but often fatal liver-brain disease
    • Your child should be given mostly liquids within the next 4 hours, e.g. diluted black tea or fennel or camomile tea. To compensate for the loss of minerals, you can add a pinch of salt and 1 to 2 teaspoons of dextrose (approx. 5 g) to each cup of tea (approx. 100 ml). Ready-made electrolyte mixtures are available from pharmacies.
    • Infants who are normally breastfed should continue to receive breast milk.
    • Bottle-fed babies should continue to receive their usual food.
    • Special "soft foods" are no longer recommended. Your child is usually best at sensing what they have an appetite for. Sweet and fatty foods are often automatically avoided. It is advisable not to eat large quantities and to wait and see how the food is tolerated first.
    • If the situation worsens (e.g. increase in stool frequency, vomiting and high fever), a paediatrician should be consulted.
    • Please bring your child to our practice at short notice for a neurological examination.
    • Since symptoms of head injuries may only appear after a period of time following the accident, you should observe your child closely.
    • The following alarm signs require an immediate medical examination:
        • Repeated vomiting, increasing nausea
        • Infant's inability to drink
        • Drowsiness, drowsiness, apathy
        • Visual disturbances (double vision, blurred vision)
        • Consciousness changes
        • Severe headaches
        • Incessant crying

    For more information, see the flyer "Protect your head" - Concussions in sport in children and adolescents: