Grippeschutzimpfung 2024/2025

Liebe Patient:innen, liebe Eltern,

auch dieses Jahr bieten wir wieder spezielle Impf-Samstage für die jährliche Grippeschutzimpfung an. Diese sind am

12. Oktober, sowie am 9. und 16. November, jeweils von 10-13:30 Uhr.

Termine können Sie ab sofort unter vereinbaren. Wählen Sie hierzu zunächst die Kategorie Kontrollen / Impfungen / Hyposensibilisierungen und dann die Terminart Grippe-Impfsprechstunde.

Ihre Praxis Kinderärzte Nippes

Having enough time for your children is very important to us.

The appropriate care of your children requires sufficient time. To ensure that nothing stands in the way of a smooth process, we have put together the most important information for your visit to the practice.

Have you completed all forms?

Please complete all forms you need for your appointment with us in advance.
Click here for an overview:

  • You can arrange appointments via Doctolib.

  • We take a lot of time for check-ups, consultations and treatment of long-standing illnesses, which is why you must make an appointment. It is important that you keep these appointments and that you are on time. Please cancel as soon as possible if you are unable to attend the appointmen, so we can pass this appointment on to another child.

  • In the case of acute infections, we ask you to make an appointment via Doctolib in our infection consultation hour.  Appointments are available 24/48 hours in advance.

  • We will of course be happy to check your own immunisation status. If you are missing any booster vaccinations, we are ready to carry them out at any time.

Do you already know our questions and answers we have collected for you?