Grippeschutzimpfung 2024/2025

Liebe Patient:innen, liebe Eltern,

auch dieses Jahr bieten wir wieder spezielle Impf-Samstage für die jährliche Grippeschutzimpfung an. Diese sind am

12. Oktober, sowie am 9. und 16. November, jeweils von 10-13:30 Uhr.

Termine können Sie ab sofort unter vereinbaren. Wählen Sie hierzu zunächst die Kategorie Kontrollen / Impfungen / Hyposensibilisierungen und dann die Terminart Grippe-Impfsprechstunde.

Ihre Praxis Kinderärzte Nippes

We offer you and your child comprehensive GP care

Together with you, we will be happy to accompany your child in our practice until the age of 18.

We are at your side with an open ear for all health and medical issues. The individual personality of your child is of particular importance to us.

In addition to the treatment of acute and chronic illnesses, prevention - i.e the prevention of illnesses - is particularly important to us.

Our services at a glance

  • This includes acute infectious illnesses in children and adolescents such as colds, febrile infections or gastrointestinal illnesses. We treat these illnesses in our daily infection consultation hours in order to separate infectious and non-infectious patients.

    The infection consultation takes place:
    - Monday, Tuesday and Thursday from 4 pm
    - Wednesday and Friday from 11 am

    When making an appointment via, please select "acute infection" in the appointment type if your child may have an infectious disease. Please note that masks are compulsory in the infection consultation hours.

    However, wound care or examinations, e.g. due to injuries, burns or after accidents, often require a rapid medical assessment. When making an appointment at, please select "other acute complaints" as the appointment type.

    Of course, you can present your child for acute treatment at short notice at any time. If possible, please always make an appointment at to keep waiting times as short as possible. If no suitable appointment is available here, please contact us by telephone.

  • We offer all screenings from the check-up U2 a few days after birth to the check-up J2 shortly before the transition to adult medicine. The aim of the screenings is to prevent developmental problems in the physical, mental, social and psychological areas or at least to recognise them at an early stage so that they can be treated accordingly. We would like to take a lot of time for this, as we see preventive care as a central element of our paediatric work alongside acute care.

    Your child will undergo a thorough physical examination as part of the preventive check-ups.

    Depending on the screening, the planned developmental, visual and hearing tests will be carried out. We will also talk to you and your children about general age-appropriate issues and, of course, any individual problems you would like to discuss with us.

    You are free to choose your doctor for check-ups, consultations and other planned examinations. Please let us know your wishes when you make your appointment. U2 to U9 and J1 are covered by all health insurance companies. U10, U11 and J2 are not covered by some health insurance companies. It is best to ask your health insurance provider if you are unsure.

    You can find more information on the individual screening programmes at:

  • Treatment of minor wounds and burns. pre- and post-operative care including anaesthesia tests.

  • Vaccinations are one of the most successful medical achievements ever. As paediatricians, we advise you and your entire family. Of course, we can also vaccinate the whole family, including parents and grandparents.

    Vaccinations are usually also possible with a mild cold or cold, as long as there is no fever. If you are unsure, we will examine your child before the vaccination and discuss whether a vaccination is possible.

    If you are in a hurry and have no more questions about the vaccination, you can use the vaccination express and get the next available room.

    We also regularly offer separate vaccination consultations on Saturdays - especially at the start of the flu season. Look out for the relevant information on our homepage.

  • In addition to the standard vaccinations recommended by the Standing Committee on Vaccination (STIKO), there are a large number of other effective vaccinations, e.g. when travelling. We offer comprehensive advice on vaccinations and disease prevention such as mosquito protection, taking into account the specific conditions in the country you are travelling to.

    As a certified yellow fever vaccination centre, we can administer and document the yellow fever vaccination in accordance with internationally recognised criteria

  • We carry out allergological diagnostics, e.g. skin prick tests or serological blood tests, as well as therapy by means of subcutaneous hyposensitisation.

  • CRP (inflammatory protein in the blood), urine tests using test strips and smears for streptococcus A and Covid19/RSV/influenza* are immediately available in the practice as an acute laboratory.

    For more extensive diagnostics such as blood tests, bacterial smears, stool or urine diagnostics, we work together with a large diagnostics laboratory in Cologne.

  • Measuring without pricking - In the case of newborn jaundice, we measure the value of bilirubin (yellow blood pigment) through the skin, quickly and painlessly*.

    In the case of respiratory infections, we can determine the oxygen saturation in the blood non-invasively using a pulse oximeter on the finger or foot.

    Visual impairment (amblyopia) in children can be treated more effectively the earlier it is recognised. This is why we offer amblyopia screening as part of preventive medical check-ups on request. All it takes is for the child to take a quick look at the screening device, so that this can be done without any problems even in infants as young as 6 months. Many health insurance companies cover the costs for this as part of selective contracts.

  • We carry out the hearing and vision tests and speech development tests that are part of the preventive medical check-ups. We have a separate testing room for this in order to create a pleasant atmosphere away from the actual treatment room. 

* These are services that are generally not covered by statutory health insurance.

Do you need an appointment at our practice? Then please feel free to contact us.